About Us
Our Story:
What began as a hobby, turned into a friend coming over to help with a teeny neighborhood business, and then transformed into a company that is currently shipping and fulfilling orders all over the United States. From New York to Florida and Washington State to California – we have had to opportunity to bless homes and businesses throughout this great country. Since the beginning, the mission has been to provide natural, safe products to friends and family. Made in South Carolina, our candles are made of natural, organic soy, natural oils, and cotton wicks. We pour all candles ourselves in small batches which makes each one unique. The raw materials are all grown and/or produced in the USA. In addition, this small Charleston business has developed into a minor ministry. We pray over the raw materials and finished products daily. As we strive to highlight our love of the Heavenly Father and the Holy City, we pray that each candle will go out into the world and shine the light and love of Christ (Matthew 5:16).
We pray that Charleston Marsh Designs will bless families, bring the joy of the Charleston lowcountry to homes and businesses, and create a curiosity toward the Word of God for anyone who does not know Christ personally.

Who We Are:
Co-owners, Michelle and Tammy, are passionate about their faith and families. They strive to use safe, natural products in all they do. Both stopped using candles completely until they realized that making their own brought joy and relaxation to their lives. Knowing that they could bring candles back into their homes in a way that would not harm the tiny lungs of babies or puppies changed their perspectives. Seeing the light from the burning wicks, smelling the peaceful aroma from the oils, and feeling the warmth from the scripture on the side of every candle made the hard work worth it.
Michelle is a wife and mother of toddlers and a puppy. Her life is full of laughter and tears and messes. She enjoys getting up early and having quiet time before her household is awake, volunteering at her children’s preschool, and attending her weekly Bible study with her ‘Study Sisters’. Most of her time is spent between her family and the candle studio but when she takes a break it’s usually to spend time writing or reading.
Tammy is a wife of a Navy veteran, a stepmother and Boston Mom to her Boston Terriers. Her life is full of cooking, and cuddling, and caring for others. When she isn’t pouring candles, you can find her with family and/or friends, nurturing her plants, volunteering with animals, or at church. She enjoys crocheting, scrapbooking, and reading when she has some free time. You will rarely see her still. She has the kindest, most generous heart and is constantly giving of herself to others.